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e-Voting: The silent decline of public control

Why German voting machines do not meet the requirements of democratic elections.

Veröffentlicht am: 29.12.2005, 13:00 Uhr
Präsentation vom: 29.12.2005, 13:00 Uhr

Teilnehmer: Ulrich Wiesner

Abstract: The voting machines widely used in Germany's recent elections fail to follow both fundamental democratic principles and German legal requirements. Highlights of a recent Irish report on security issues of these machines will be provided.

Speakers: Ulrich Wiesner
Language: en
Date: 2005-12-29
Time: 13:00
Room: Saal 2

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e-Voting: The silent decline of public control

Why German voting machines do not meet the requirements of democratic elections.
Abstract: The voting machines widely used in Germany's recent elections fail to follow both fundamental democratic principles and German legal requirements. Highlights of a recent Irish report on security issues of these machines will be provided.
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