Interview with Régine Débatty
Live from the 22nd Chaos Communication Congress
Veröffentlicht am: 29.12.2005, 07:00 Uhr
Dauer: 00:44:26h
Teilnehmer: Tim Pritlove (Moderation), Régine Débatty
Chaosradio International Nr. 1 is the first of a few planned interviews with speakers of the 22nd Chaos Communication Congress. Régine Débatty is well-known for her work on her weblog "We Make Money Not Art" that focuses on Media Art and provides a wealth of information every day. The talk revolves on how to make a living of running a weblog, the current state of media art, the originality of ideas, the influence of artists on society and a couple of projects that deal with RFID and video surveillance.
This interview is the same as in Chaosradio Express 010 but includes an english introduction.
- We Make Money Not Art
- 22C3: Technological art off the trodden tracks
- Paul Graham: Hackers and Painters
- Hackers - Heroes of the computer revolution (The Hacker Ethic)
- Art & Beauty @ 22C3
- Project Blinkenlights
- Troia
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Hinweis: Chaosradio International is an autonomous production by Tim Pritlove. Payments to Tim Pritlove are not donations in a legal sense. Money is not being passed on to the Chaos Computer Club e.V.