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Interview with Eric Blossom

Live from the 22nd Chaos Communication Congress

Veröffentlicht am: 29.12.2005, 20:00 Uhr
Dauer: 00:31:45h

Teilnehmer: Tim Pritlove (Moderation), Eric Blossom

Chaosradio International episode 3 is an interview with with Eric Blossom, old-school hacker and founder and project manager of the GNU Radio project. In the interview, Tim and Eric talk about Burning Man, his lecture on passive radar at 22C3, reactions at the conference, the role of hackers and hacking in general and other topics.





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Hinweis: Chaosradio International is an autonomous production by Tim Pritlove. Payments to Tim Pritlove are not donations in a legal sense. Money is not being passed on to the Chaos Computer Club e.V.