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Interview with Steven Levy

An interview about the history and significance of the hacker movement

Veröffentlicht am: 26.01.2007, 02:00 Uhr
Aufnahme vom: 22.01.2007
Dauer: 00:41:52h

Teilnehmer: Tim Pritlove (Moderation), Steven Levy

Tim Pritlove talks to Steven Levy, author of the book "Hackers - Heroes of the Computer Revolution" that for the first time reported on the hacker movement beginning in the late 1960ies and led to the definition of the Hacker Ethic which Levy summarized out of observation of the hacker scene.

In the interview, Steven Levy explains how he come to know this particular scene, how he gained the trust of the hackers and what his findings were. He also talks about the hacker scene not covered in the book: the hackers of the 1990ies, the free software movement and the overall achievements of the hackers over time.




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