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Interview with Joi Ito

Live from the 22nd Chaos Communication Congress

Veröffentlicht am: 29.12.2005, 15:00 Uhr
Dauer: 00:50:11h

Teilnehmer: Tim Pritlove (Moderation), Joi Ito

Chaosradio International episode 2 is an interview with 22C3's keynote speaker Joi Ito. The interview touches various topics including Chicago's club scene and Joi's affiliation with it, the early Internet days via X.25, Creative Commons licensing issues, the Open Source Initiative, political activism in general and what can and should be done, optimism vs. pessimism in the current situation of global political fighting, ICANN, living a super-public life and combining all kinds of modern communication tools, the influence of the Internet on political activism and democracy and of course the 22C3 and his personal experiences at the event.

This interview is the same as in Chaosradio Express 011 but includes an english introduction.





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Hinweis: Chaosradio International is an autonomous production by Tim Pritlove. Payments to Tim Pritlove are not donations in a legal sense. Money is not being passed on to the Chaos Computer Club e.V.