Interview with Jacob Appelbaum
Live from the 22nd Chaos Communication Congress
Veröffentlicht am: 30.12.2005, 20:00 Uhr
Dauer: 01:13:58h
Teilnehmer: Tim Pritlove (Moderation), Jacob Appelbaum
Chaosradio International Nr. 4 is yet another interview with a speaker at 22C3: Jacob Appelbaum. In a very intense and personal way, Jacob reports on his experiences visiting Kurdistan (Iraq) and the post-Katrina times in Houston and New Orleans this year.
- Jacob Appelbaum's weblog
- It's complicated (Jacob Appelbaum's Live Journal)
- Oregon Trail
- 22C3: A discussion about modern disk encryption systems
- OpenBSD
- NetBSD
- Diyarbakır
- Zakho
- United States Department of Defense (DOD)
- Arbil
- Kirkuk
- Jacob's photographs on flickr
- Hurricane Katrina
- Reliant Astrodome
- Jacob's photoset "Hurricane Katrina victims in Houston"
- Prometheus Radio Project
- Boing Boing
- EVDO Overnite Wireless Internet Service
- Gizmodo
- Guerilla News Network
- Algiers, Louisiana
- Crooks and Liars
- Jacob's photoset "New Orleans post Katrina"
- Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team (DMORT)
- 'This is criminal': Malik Rahim reports from New Orleans
- Common Ground Collective Algiers
- Hurricane Rita
- Webzine 2005
- The Fifth HOPE
- Next 5 Minutes: International Festival of Tactical Media, Amsterdam
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Hinweis: Chaosradio International is an autonomous production by Tim Pritlove. Payments to Tim Pritlove are not donations in a legal sense. Money is not being passed on to the Chaos Computer Club e.V.