Interview with Bicyclemark
A talk about podcasting and policitcs
Veröffentlicht am: 01.05.2006, 02:00 Uhr
Dauer: 00:44:52h
Teilnehmer: Tim Pritlove (Moderation), Bicyclemark
Tim Pritlove talks to Bicyclemark, who is doing a regular podcast on "alternative journalism, globalization, international affairs, online journalism, politics, social movements, weblogs, podcasting and other rebellious communication". Mark lives in Amsterdam.
- Bicyclemark’s AudioCommunique (podcast)
- Bicyclemark’s Communique (Blog)
- New Jersey
- Newsvine
- Spanish 'Star-Spangled Banner' Draws Ire
- The Village Voice
- Amsterdam Vlogger Meetup
- Technorati
- Global Voices
- Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA)
- Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)
- Podsafe Music
- Democracy Now!
- Amy Goodman
- Teenpodcasters
- Ohmy News
- Skype
- iMovie
- Final Cut Pro
- The Official Lost Podcast
- Media Matters with Bob McChesney
- Radio Nation from the Nation Magazine
- Air America Radio
- La Bas si j'y suis
- Yeast Radio/Madge Weinstein
- 2600: Off The Hook
- 2600: Off The Wall
- Radio Open Source with Christopher Lydon
- Christopher Lydon
There are some audio glitches in the recording. We apologize for the inconveniences.
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Hinweis: Chaosradio International is an autonomous production by Tim Pritlove. Payments to Tim Pritlove are not donations in a legal sense. Money is not being passed on to the Chaos Computer Club e.V.