Dan Kaminsky
An interview with security expert and hacker Dan Kaminsky
Veröffentlicht am: 06.01.2008, 01:30 Uhr
Aufnahme vom: 29.12.2007
Dauer: 01:01:15h
Dan Kaminsky is an experience security researcher and excellent presenter. In this recording, Tim Pritlove talks with Dan about his work, security in general, international security and community events, differences between the American and European hacker communities, voting computers, freedom and privacy, the relationship of hackers to the media, how Microsoft invited the international security hacker scene and what programming teams should do to make sure the security is done right from the start.
- 24C3
- Dan Kaminsky
- Delphi
- c-base
- Hack In The Box
- ToorCon
- ShmooCon
- Microsoft
- WP: Fuzzing
- WP: Tiger Team
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Technorati Tags: dan kaminsky, security